Subscription order

The all-round carefree package

You love good music in an atmospheric environment early Saturday evening? If you don’t want to miss any more concerts and queuing at the box office is not your thing, you’ve come to the right place.

A subscription includes tickets for all concerts of one season from autumn to the following spring. Tickets for the entire season are sent to your home by mail.

As a subscriber, you receive a 15% discount on the advance booking price. Pupils and students receive a 50% discount on the full advance booking price. Children under the age of 14 receive free admission.

If you prefer a particular row of seats within your price group, please contact us.

To order a subscription please complete the following form.

Ticketpreis pro Konzert: € 16,60
Abonnement Saison 2020/2021: € 99,60
Ticketpreis pro Konzert: € 9,75
Abonnement Saison 2020/2021: € 58,50
Ticketpreis pro Konzert: € 14,00
Abonnement Saison 2020/2021: € 84,00
Ticketpreis pro Konzert: € 8,25
Abonnement Saison 2020/2021: € 49,50
Die Bankverbindung des Kammermusikvereins Halle e.V. lautet: IBAN: DE21 8005 3762 0381 3034 62 | BIC: NOLADE21HAL | Kreditinstitut: Saalesparkasse Halle